Former student
I studied in St. Xavier’s High School, Tamulpur, for the last 12 years. Our school is situated in a backward area of Baksa district, Assam. Ever since the establishment our school in the year 2004, I have seen the Fathers and Sisters working hard for the development of the school. They worked in different ways to develop the mentality of the people in our area.
Class X
The Trinitarians have given us knowledge, wisdom and have influenced us by their enthusiastic works. I have been assisted and supported to live an upright life by the care and concern of the Fathers and Sisters here. The atmosphere necessary to make a student perfect through education is found in our school by Trinitarian fathers, brothers and Sisters...
parish youth
Tamulpur mission is one of the missions where all the activities are done by the Trinitarian fathers for almost a decade. As Jesus entrusted the missionary task with all those who follow Him, the Trinitarians fathers have travelled from afar to develop the Tamulpur mission in a wonderful way. Some of the fathers who work hard to develop this mission are Frs. Xavier, Mathew, Roy, Jins, Bitaju, Biju, and at present Frs. Jojo, Meby, and Vinay...
St. Xavier’s High school is just one of the many schools in this area. But for the development of the school as well as the society around, the Trinitarian priests played a highly significant role than any other schools in the locality. True to the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 10:45 “I have come to serve not to be served”, the Trinitarians came to serve the people and not to be served.
Class X
As a student of St. Xavier’s High School, Tamulpur, for last eleven years, I have been influenced by Fathers like Xavier, Jins, Bitaju, Jojo, Meby, Biju, Vinay and Sisters Anita, Jain, Mariate, … especially through their hard work and commitment. The lessons they taught are many and hence, many students have been influenced by them to live good and upright lives...