Mission Apri 12, 2020

Father Salvador Egido Vicente passed away on Saturday

Between the vigil and the feast of the Ascension, two of our brothers from the Province of the Holy Spirit returned to the House of the Father.

Father Salvador Egido Vicente passed away on Saturday morning, May 23, 2020, after having been discharged from the hospital. He had been hospitalized in early May at the Hospital Alto Guadalquivir de Andújar in the Special Unit for patients with COVID 19. He later had surgery to repair several damaged arteries. Upon being discharged he was returning to the community of the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Cabeza in Andújar. On the way, at Villa del Río (Córdoba) he began to feel sick and so he requested Father Pasqual to take him to the Virgen de la Estrella medical center, where he died.

Father Salvador was born at Masueco de la Ribera (Salamanca), on August 6, 1939 and entered the novitiate of the Trinitarians at Antequera on October 12, 1957, professing his First Vows on October 13, 1958 at the same house. He made his Solemn Profession of Vows on September 23, 1962 in Córdoba. He was ordained to the Priesthood on June 4, 1966 at the Trinitarian church in Córdoba. Previously, different seminars and formative destinations and the pertinent vocational steps had taken place within the Order of the Holy Trinity.

Father Salvador served in a variety of ministries throughout his priesthood including as a missionary in Madagascar and as a teacher at various Trinitarian schools, including the school in Andújar. He was known for his gentle character and for his kindness, availability and dedication and for the past several years at the Shrine of the Virgen de la Cabeza.

Father Domingo Reyes Fernández passed away on may 24,2020.

On Sunday morning, May 24, 2020, Father Domingo Reyes Fernández died after nearly two years of fighting cancer. He was born on January 29, 1950, in Carriches (Toledo), to Francisco and Eufemia. His family lived in Vows in the rural area of Toledo. With the support and love of his parents, he responded to the call of the Lord, beginning his religious life at the Trinitarian school in Alcázar de San Juan. Upon the completion of his high school studies, he entered the novitiate of the Order in Antequera on September 8, 1966 and made his First Profession of Vows there on September 1, 1968. He made his Solemn Profession in Rome at San Carlino on April 28, 1973. He was ordained to the priesthood on July 21, 1974 in Córdoba. Upon his ordination, he served as the director of the minor seminary of the Order in Antequera.

For many years he served in Madagascar as a missionary and as a professor of the Sacred Scriptures. He returned to Algeciras, Spain, and was later assigned to Antequera in 2010, where he served as minister, pastor and chaplain of the Cofradía del Rescate (confraternity) and chaplain to the Minim nuns of the Convent of Santa Eufemia. Of interest, his mother was named Eufemia, who turned 100 years old and died in 2017. He was very friendly and was close to the faithful wherever he served. Parishioners always appreciated how he was able to make the Mass readings come alive and how he could make them relate to their everyday life. He was also known for his contemplative nature and for the time he spent in reflection and prayer.

Two years ago, he became ill and then bore the cancer he suffered from with Christian fortitude and bore his cross and suffering with great integrity and courage. He passed away in the community of Malaga, where he had been transferred after his hospitalization and was cared for by his brothers in community. Fr. Domingo used to say: "To be a Christian you have to live the Eucharist intensely at least every Sunday, as a connection to God and a path to the next life, that of Resurrection where we will all see each other again."