Mission Apri 12, 2020

The Covid 19 – A Trinitarian Social Response - Bangalore

Rising to the occasion amidst challenging times has been always a special call of the Trinitarians and we can’t fail in this time too. As the world remains helpless in front of this unseen enemy, there are many people whose lives may not matter for the majority. Those are the low income families and families of migrants.

The Trinitarians of Bangalore made some remarkable efforts to do the best we could by reaching out to the needy, as per the instructions of our Redeemer the Risen Lord.

So far our brothers have made 1546 bags of food grains each containing 25-30 kilos materials. We have offered 120 hours of voluntary labor and supervision in making the bags with the Mount St Joseph, Jesuits in Loyola High School building. And the need and our passion for continuing this mission stand strong.We are planning one more shop and purchase of food materials from our community resources and provide for the needy in our neighboring areas of Bangalore. We would welcome anyone who likes to join hands for providing help for the neediest ones around us. Ideas and resources are welcome.