Mission Apri 12, 2020

Prayerful greetings from the Mission Office!

We are told that the COVID-19 is expected to last for many months, with a potential resurgence in the fall. Also, there is the threat of a recession in the USA. In these uncertain times, one thing is certain with respect to fundraising—the more you plan, the better off you will be!

Everyone is feeling insecure because the stock market is on a roller coaster. So, we need to prepare for the financial impact from the coronavirus pandemic. We can expect that many non- profits, just like us, will face new challenges in the months ahead. In response to this, I have created a communication plan that is as fluid as it needs to be, so that we can remain strong and tell our story and present our projects as we face the COVID19 crisis. As the coronavirus is “throwing a huge wrench” in fundraising plans, I am sure that this will make a huge impact upon our Mission Appeal program for this summer and will impact our plans and programs and the financial support from our donors. Times such as these are most trying on our spirits, and yet we are witnessing extraordinary beauty during this crisis. People are working together in unity, even though most of the world is isolated. Skies are bluer than they have ever been during our lifetimes. We have also seen the extraordinary heroic efforts of our healthcare workers, responders, military personnel, journalists and politicians. May God bless them all.