Mission Apri 12, 2020

New presence in Madagascar

New presence in Madagascar 19 March 2020, on the solemnity of Saint Joseph, new house was opened officially and blessed by Antsoha-Miandrivazo, the Bishop of Morondava, in the presence of Brother Jean Claude Herménegilde Rabetsiferana, Minister Provincial, and more than a dozen Trinitarian priests and religious working in this diocese led by their Vicar General, a few hundred lay faithful, and other Christians present in the new missionary territory.

The Trinitarian family was represented by a strong delegation: some Trinitarian Sisters of Rome, including the Regional Superior, some Sisters of Valencia including the Superior Delegate General, about twenty lay people of which the National President, from Ambatondrazaka, accompanied by two of its Councillors and the Regional President of Antananarivo.