Mission for the Persecuted

Inspired by the Redemptive Charism of St. John DeMatha.

Being faithful to the founding charism of the Order, the Trinitarians serve undercover in the Middle East in places where it is illegal to practice the Faith.

These priests risk their lives serving Christ and his Church by celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and administering the Sacraments in places where this is forbidden. In the past three years, two priests were arrested and held in separate incidences. Thankfully, foreign governments were able to intervene and help free them.


Support our Missions for the Persecuted.

To support and promote the Church, especially in countries where Christians are suffering from persecution or discrimination.

To further the other charitable work of the Church by providing practical assistance and pastoral care for persons in need, especially those who are living in, or are refugees from, such countries where it is illegal to practice their faith in Jesus Christ.

Being faithful to the founding charism of the Order, the Trinitarians serve undercover in the Middle East in places where it is illegal to practice the Faith. These priests risk their lives serving Christ and his Church by celebrating the Holy The sacrifice of the Mass and administering the Sacraments in places where this is forbidden. In the past three years, two priests were arrested and held in separate incidences. Thankfully, foreign governments were able to intervene and help free them.


Purchase Motor bikes for Transportation and pastoral ministry Outreach

Trinitarians in this remote area of Assam, India serve a population from many communities. Some outlying villages are a great distance away and most roads are unpaved, making it hard to provide supplies and pastoral activities. An off-road motor bikes would also enable Trinitarian Missionaries to reach out to remote areas and mission churches for their pastoral activities.


North East Mission, Assam State, India

Amount to be funded

To purchase a Motor Bike - $1800.00


Support SIT foundation India Ministry for the Persecuted

Support our missions for the Christians who are being persecuted because of their faith.


Adoption of Families and children from the areas of Persecution

The 150 students at this DeMatha Primary School are dependent upon the Trinitarian fathers for all of their needs: food, clothing, medical care, shelter, tuition and other fees, etc. Providing school uniforms to those students without would foster a feeling of joy, unity and confidence among all the students.


Holy Trinity Mission House – Tamalpur Assam India, India

Amount to be funded

To provide uniforms for 110 students - $1,770.00